The Loyalty Scheme
How does it work? When you place an order on, you automatically earn loyalty points to use towards future purchases.
Earn 1 point for every €1 you spend online (not including delivery charges, loyalty voucher codes and online gift voucher purchases).
When you place an order, your earned loyalty points will automatically be credited to your account within 30 days from the date the order is dispatched from the warehouse. There is an additional waiting period of 14 days before they can be redeemed.
After 30 days, the earned reward points will be released and added to your available reward points balance.
Loyalty points are valid for 12 months.
After reaching 150 points, you will automatically receive an e-mail with a loyalty code to use on This code will offer you a €20 off your next order of €50 or more.
Loyalty codes expire 6 months from the date of issue. Please be aware that your €20 loyalty code cannot be applied to a product of a lower value.
How do I earn points?
Thanks to our Reward Scheme, when you place qualifying orders on, you will automatically earn Reward Points to use toward future purchases.
All registered customers will receive points. You can receive points in one of two ways:
• Everyone who registers for an account will automatically earn 20 points.
• Purchasing products grants you 1 point for €1 (not including delivery charges, Loyalty Voucher Codes or Online Gift Voucher purchases.)
If you haven’t registered, you can still receive points by registering on the ‘Thank You’ page right after placing an order.
Rewards Status
When you log onto your account and click on the "My Clarins" section, you will be able to view your pending points, released or redeemed points in “My Rewards”.
1) Pending Points: When you place an order on, points are allocated to your account within 30 days from the date the order is dispatched from the warehouse. There is an additional waiting period of 14 days before they can be redeemed.
2) Released Points : After the 14 day waiting period has passed, earned points will be released and added to your available balance.
Points are valid for 12 months.
3) Redeemable Points : After reaching 150 released points, you will automatically receive an email with a loyalty code worth €20 to use on your next order over the qualifying spend threshold of €50.
Loyalty codes expire 6 months from the date of issue.
How do I use my loyalty points?
After reaching 150 released points, you will automatically receive an e-mail with a loyalty code to use on This loyalty code entitles you to €20 off your next order of €50 or more. To use your code, simply paste it in the "Loyalty Code" box during the checkout process. When a loyalty code has been accepted, it will be displayed on the “Order Review” page. Please note you may use one loyalty code per order and may combine it with any current gift offer that does not require a code on the site, providing your total order value is over the qualifying spend threshold of €50.
Once you have been sent your loyalty code, the points will be deducted from your rewards balance.
Clarins points have no cash value and can only be redeemed for products from
Loyalty codes are not tied to you. You may wish to give yours to a friend, however, each code can only be used once.
Loyalty codes expire 6 months from the date of issue.
If an order which generated points is refunded, the amount of points originally granted will be deducted from your pending balance.
My Account
Your Clarins reward balance is displayed in your Account under “My Rewards”.
The “My Rewards” page will initially show your released points, then the points you’ve redeemed with the accepted loyalty code/s. You will also have a historic overview of all past promotions used.
Under “My Points” you can see the purchase history with all points earned and their status.